It’s A Big One!

Has it really been five years?  I guess so…although it sure doesn’t feel like it!  Our sweet boy, Pongo turns 5 today!  As always, we made sure to celebrate his birthday in style.

The morning started out with some yoga to warm up and stretch things out.




Then, on to some serious ball playing.



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After a good game of ball and one tired pup, we headed home for a birthday breakfast surprise, which…

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…was gone in under 3 seconds.


And what is a birthday without donning the beloved (or not so beloved, in Pongo’s opinion) birthday hat?

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We ended the celebration with Pongo’s favorite birthday and Christmas job: unwrapping the gifts!




A New Year

It’s always in the back of my mind: I need to blog!  But lately, life has gotten in the way and not always in a bad way.  Here’s a brief overview of what our little family has been up to the past 2 months.


In early November, Steve and I spent 6 relaxing days enjoying the sun, warmth and beach of Oahu, Hawaii.  It was heaven!

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IMG_0628While Mama and Papa were basking in the sun, Pongo enjoyed spending time with his beloved Miss Sue.

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November also brought with it the dreaded ice that we always seem to get every winter.  It is impossible to do anything outside because it’s slick as snot and deadly!  When cabin fever made us all crazy, we braved the ice for a few moments of play outside….Pongo, in the booties he loathes.



December finally brought some much needed snow but unfortunately, that did not protect Pongo from the ice it covered.  The cone of shame came out, once again, to keep the boy from licking a badly cut and infected paw pad.

IMG_0723We are finally on the mend from that wound but are now on the lookout for some booties that will cover-up all his pads, not irritate his dew claw and STAY ON (suggestions are always welcome).

December also means Christmas.  While Pongo does not understand the meaning of Christmas, he sure does understand that when the tree and stockings come out, presents are soon to follow!

DSC_0250 DSC_0256I have never seen a dog so excited when it comes time to open presents.  I would even call it manic!  He was all over the place: ripping open his presents, trying to sneak by Papa, the present gate-keeper, to grab at any present he could get his mouth on.  It’s often more fun to watch him in his frenzy than to open the gifts ourselves.

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Here’s Puna watching the madness from her safe place.


Pongo’s least favorite gift.


The Christmas photo-bomb.


And after it is all over, we have one pooped boy!



Each year when January comes around, resolutions are to be made; things I want to see happen and goals I want to accomplish.  One of my New Year’s resolutions is to post at least one blog a month.  And by saying this “out loud,” I am hoping it will keep me accountable.  I would love to and will try to post more but right now, I’m trying to keep an attainable goal.  Baby steps, right?!?

Happy New Year and wishing everyone a safe and wonderful 2014!


The Screaming Monkey

Pongo received his all-time favorite Christmas gift this week.  Something that I think may eventually drive us batty but as long as it keeps him entertained, we’re good.

Besides the screaming monkey, Grandma Bev sent this amazing Christmas ornament…how did she know I was looking for Red Cattle Dog ornament but just didn’t find one I liked?  This is perfect!



And All The Stockings Were Hung

Well, sort of…

I was excited to hang Pongo’s new stocking this year that my Mom and I worked so diligently on over Thanksgiving.  It was a melding of three creative minds (Steve gave his input throughout the process) and one expert seamstress (that would be my mom, not me) that brought into fruition Pongo’s new stocking.  I am very proud of how it turned out and love looking at it hanging on the stocking shelf.



But, I really didn’t think about what it would be like decorating for Christmas this year until I actually started doing it.  As I pulled out the stockings to hang, I realized I am going to be hanging two less stockings this year.  I could feel the tears starting to weld up and a lump forming in my throat: Reid and Kona were not going to be here to celebrate Christmas with us this year.  In the span of a year, we went from six of us to just four of us.


I am trying not to dwell on our losses this past year, as I know Christmas brought Reid so much joy and I need to hold onto those good memories as we celebrate this year.  And while the stocking shelf is less two stockings, I know someone is awfully excited about Santa coming and what surprises he may bring!




Holiday Highlights

I was too comatose yesterday to even think about blogging.  The past two days have been filled with wrapping, cooking, opening, eating, drinking, and just trying to maintain a calm household.

I’ve really enjoyed these past couple of days.  When I have time and am not completely drained of energy, I love to cook.  The prepping is soothing.  The cooking and baking is fulfilling.  The eating is, sometimes, outstanding.  I wouldn’t call myself a good cook because I have messed up many a meal but overall, I think I do alright.

Christmas Eve Dinner: Hot Crab & Artichoke Dip, Bread, Salad, and Filet Mignon (for Steve)

Christmas Dinner: Bison Pot Roast (for Steve), Turk’y Roast (for me), Cranberry Sauce, Sweet Potatoes and Salad

The highlight of our Christmas extravaganza was watching Pongo’s excitement rise as he realized…there were presents under the tree!  I don’t know what changed for him because last year it took all we had to get him interested in opening presents.

But this year…he was OUT OF CONTROL!

The only thing that seemed to calm him down was putting on his new survey vest–a present from Papa.

Poor Reid just didn’t seem to be enjoying herself like she usually does.

I’m guessing she was annoyed at Pongo’s overly exuberant enthusiasm.

And, the fact that he kept trying to steal all of her presents, which was absolutely not allowed.  As you probably can figure out, there was A LOT of redirection going on.

After the animals were satiated with opening gifts, Steve and I also enjoyed our Christmas morning.

And what was suppose to be mine…

is now his.  Oh well, that’s what happens when you have a baby head.

Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful holiday season!