Field Trip!

Pongo will be staying with Miss Kari over Spring Break.  To help him ease into staying with Miss Kari and her pack, Miss Kari and Miss Peg graciously took him yesterday to meet her three dogs.  Here’s the email I received from Pongo after his field trip:


Today I went on a field trip with Miss Kari and Miss Peg.  When I left the building I saw your car, but then Miss Kari started to drive and I was confused because you were not there.  Miss Peg told me it was ok because Miss Kari’s car is just like yours.  Our field trip was my chance to visit the two remedial daycare homes where kids who are not so smart spend their days since they can’t go to Dog Tired. 

Our first stop was at Miss Kari’s house where I met Tobe, Abby and Maddie.  I was a very good boy and did not do anything out of line.  I greeted each dog very respectfully, which actually surprised both Miss Kari and Miss Peg.  We investigated each other and made our way around the yard.  Tobe peed on a lot of snow so I followed him around and did it too.  We all went number two and then Miss Kari and Miss Peg decided that it was a great start and we should head out on a good note.  I get to go again later this week to see my new friends once more.  Next time I will meet the cat and see the inside of Miss Kari’s house.

At Miss Peg’s house I didn’t meet any dogs put I did help them move a treadmill into the car so they could transport it to Dog Tired for the staff to use in the break room.  I was a very brave boy because that treadmill was big and mean and scared me a bit.  We arrived back at Dog Tired and I ran into class to tell all my doggie pals about my big adventure.  What a great day!

Love you – PONGO

And here’s Pongo after his field trip adventures…

One worn out boy (who was also being rather bad by making his sleeping nest right on top of Mama’s pillows!).

Better Late Than Never

Way, way back when the grass was still visible, brown but visible, and the air held the smell of impending snow, I entered Pongo into a Halloween photo contest on the AuCaDo Cattle Dog forum I frequent.  Unfortunately, the moderator for the photo contests needed to take a hiatus from moderating so the contest was never completed.  Forum members voted but the polls were never closed and winners were never announced.  Until…yesterday.

  Fun Police Pongo lives again!

Round and Round We Go

If only our backyard was a little bit bigger…

The only problem though is that Pongo has absolutely no fear, and that often gets him into trouble.  I can just see him becoming a projectile ACD trying to jump off the thing!  Pet emergency, here we come…again.

Say Cheese!

Pongo loves to chew and he’s very good about only chewing appropriate things.  He has a toy basket full of Galileo Bones for him to chew at his leisure but his all-time favorite chew object is a raw beef marrow bone.

He gets to indulge in these while Steve and I eat dinner.  We are very careful about watching him so he doesn’t break off large pieces or partake in too much of a good thing and end up with an upset tummy.  It’s pure ecstasy for him to dive into his raw bone.

As you can tell, Pongo can be a total little brother when it comes to flaunting his bone in front of Reid.  Reid does get a bone too but spends a few minutes licking them and then she’s done.  I think it hurts her deteriorating teeth to chew on something so hard.  We end up putting her bone away when she’s done because Pongo will be greedy and want both bones.

We are always on the look out for chews that aren’t going to cause intestinal blockage (rawhides) or break off into big pieces that will have to be surgically extracted later (some raw bones).  I had seen these Himalayan Dog Chews at our local Mill & Feed store but always bypassed them because they were made out of Yak and Cow’s milk.

With ingredients like those, I assumed they were soft and would be devoured within minutes.  Then I read a post on the Notes From A Dog Walker blog about these dog chews.  The author was raving about them and how long they lasted, even with her most powerful chewer.  So, I picked some up the next time I was at Alaska Mill & Feed.

Pongo loves his new cheesy sticks!  I love that they break off in small pieces and if he does happen to break off a larger piece, he’s able and pretty good about chewing them down into smaller pieces.  The only drawback the Himalayan Dog Chews have is they give Pongo some pretty horrendous gas.  Oh well…I guess that’s the price you pay for some peace of mind.